TNR Junior Interclub 2023/24 Post Christmas (North Harbour)
Boys 13-15 F Draw
Round 6: 1st vs 4th, 2nd vs 3rd, 5th vs 6th (draw out after round 5)
Round 7: winners of 1st/4th vs winners 2nd/3rd, loser 1st/4th vs winner 5th/6th, loser 2nd/3rd vs loser 5th/6th (draw out after round 6)
Points will accumulate from each round with the winners being the team on the highest points after round 7
RoundDateTimeTeam 1Team 2Venue
1Sat10 Feb 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.2Northcote B15.4Northcote
Sat10 Feb 202410:30 amBrowns Bay B15 T3Belmont AddersBelmont
Sat10 Feb 202410:30 amSilverdale RkGreenhithe Team2Greenhithe
2Sat17 Feb 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.2Silverdale RkAlbany TP  (1out,2out)
Sat17 Feb 202410:30 amBelmont AddersGreenhithe Team2Belmont
Sat17 Feb 202410:30 amBrowns Bay B15 T3Northcote B15.4Browns Bay
3Sat24 Feb 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.4Belmont AddersNorthcote
Sat24 Feb 202410:30 amGreenhithe Team2Northcote B15.2Forrest Hill  (13,14,15)
Sat24 Feb 202410:30 amSilverdale RkBrowns Bay B15 T3Browns Bay
4Sat02 Mar 202410:30 amSilverdale RkBelmont AddersSilverdale
Sat02 Mar 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.2Browns Bay B15 T3Northcote
Sat02 Mar 202410:30 amGreenhithe Team2Northcote B15.4Greenhithe
5Sat09 Mar 202410:30 amGreenhithe Team2Browns Bay B15 T3Albany TP  (8,9)
Sat09 Mar 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.4Silverdale RkDairy Flat
Sat09 Mar 202410:30 amBelmont AddersNorthcote B15.2Belmont
6Sat16 Mar 202410:30 amGreenhithe Team2Northcote B15.4Albany TP  (8,9)
Sat16 Mar 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.2Belmont AddersForrest Hill  (16,17)
Sat16 Mar 202410:30 amBrowns Bay B15 T3Silverdale RkAlbany TP  (10,11)
7Sat23 Mar 202410:30 amGreenhithe Team2Northcote B15.2Forrest Hill  (7,8,9)
Sat23 Mar 202410:30 amNorthcote B15.4Browns Bay B15 T3Albany TP  (8,9,10)
Sat23 Mar 202410:30 amBelmont AddersSilverdale RkAlbany TP  (4out,5out,6out)
Belmont AddersJoanne Feng021 109 3693
Browns Bay B15 T3Andrea Palmer021 043 2799
Greenhithe Team2Veronica Donladson021 140 1695
Northcote B15.2Kasper van Wijk021 055 6959
Northcote B15.4Kushla McIndoe021 906 621
Silverdale RkTracy Rademaekers021 259 4479